Friday, October 14, 2016

Dzongs of Bhutan

Dzongs of Bhutan
The subject that I taught was social studies in class 4. It was in 4th period. The students were divided into seven groups with four students in each group.
The topic for the lesson was some Dzongs of Bhutan.
To introduce the different dzongs built by Zhabdrung, I showed the pictures of dzongs one by one along with the background history narrated for each.
The children were asked to watch the clips and listen carefully.
As a follow up activity, I asked children in each team to choose a dzong and write short description about it.
ü  Children were meaningfully engaged.
ü  Inclusive teaching method
ü  Efficient time management.
ü  Effective class management.
ü  Lesson objective were fulfilled.
ü  It reduced the work load of the teacher.
ü  Children enjoyed the lesson.

ü  Students had tough time in understanding some part of the descriptive narration.

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