Monday, October 3, 2016

Teaching using mobile phone

Teaching using mobile phone
My lesson on teaching the names of vegetables to my class one students is presented through a variety of strategies. One of the strategies that I used was “A mix-pair-share” in closure part of my lesson. Music was played from my mobile phone and children were asked to move around the classroom shaking their body as per the tune of the music. As I stopped the music each child looked for a partner by giving “Hi Five” to his or her partner. A question was thrown to the floor-“Name a vegetable that has many small seeds inside it.” The partner who had longer hair was asked to share the answer first and then they switched the role. The music was played again for the next few questions following the same steps.

Dancing and singing were two very effective way to teach as well as to learn. All were geared up to move ahead and chip in, which reminded me of a quote "Children are great imitators. So give them something great to imitate." Anonymous.” This was one way to teach and learn through fun. I can use this in my daily teaching a lot. This kind of strategy can not only be applied in teaching name of vegetables, but in other topics as well as other subjects that have multiple answers.


  1. wow.. you have nicely used ICT in classroom teaching and learning that adds to creating conducive learning . I like your idea.

  2. Thank you madam for your kind words!
